Getting to grips with Goose Poo Pickup.

Parks and reserves in metropolitan areas with rivers and lakes nearby can often lead to an influx of geese and the unsightly problem of goose droppings on local walkways and fields.

It is a common problem in many parks around the world.

Not only are Goose faeces unsightly and unpleasant, but they are also packed full of nasty bacteria that can lead to serious illness in humans. Therefore, removing the goose poop is a health and safety precaution for your residents and visitors.

Cleaning up for the good of the community.

Parks and Recreation, Sports Clubs and community areas with ponds, lakes and slow running rivers often attract all types of geese, from the Canada Goose species to the Domestic Swan goose. They can be a pleasant bird to have around at times but lurking beneath their pleasant looking exterior is a big problem on grassy areas.

Geese are foragers, foraging for seeds and grazing on grass in paddocks and fields. Geese typically poop between 1 to 1.5 pounds of faeces every single day. That’s a lot of poop per bird. They mate in monogamous relationships with about 5-9 gosling chicks every year. It does not take long for the population of geese to explode creating a rather large problem with their excrement.

For this reason, there are two solutions to the problem of Goose droppings.

  • Catch and cull: Not a popular method with many people, catching and culling the birds means reducing their population levels to a number where they are able to be managed better.
  • Collecting the poop from the ground: Not an easy thing to do by hand but with the help of a Tow and Collect, a solution that leaves the birds alone whilst clearing your fields of the nasty droppings.
Alpaca beans and poo in pile

Goose feaces are an unsightly and unpleasant addition to many parks, sports fields, athletic fields, recreational spaces, and walkways.

Alpaca beans and poo in pile

Commonly found around waterways, Canada Geese produce up to 1.5 pounds of poop per bird per day.

Curious Alpacas inspecting a Tow and Collect

The feaces from goose poop can be a major health issue for the public using parks and sports fields.

Goose poop around lakes and rivers.

In many cities around the world, but also here in the USA, there are beautiful lakes and rivers that are in the cities. Many of these have resident geese of varying types and their presence is both an attraction to the local community but also problem for local authorities.

In the warmer weather families will travel to these water ways for picnics and family time, a little outdoor activity, walks and to allow their children to play in the playgrounds and trees. Children love feeding the birds, chasing them into the water and generally become enraptured by their presence.

Hidden in plain sight are the droppings and goose manure that carry bacteria such as E. Coli, Salmonella, Campylobacter, and other nasty disease-causing agents. Small children, in their efforts to chase and feed the geese can fall onto the poop or pick it up on their shoes and clothes. The risks are very real, and parents and grandparents should be ever vigilant when with their children around Geese and their excrement.

Washing hands immediately after accidentally touching Goose Poop is essential.

Goose droppings on sports fields and playgrounds.

Geese love the wide-open grassy plains of sports fields and playgrounds. They are an area where they can forage and feed till their heart is content. Come the weekend Saturday sports, or even evening trainings, the geese will have left their presence across the fields where the players of sports, children and adults alike, will fall in, be tackled in, slide in the goose’s droppings. Naturally this can lead to serious consequences after the event in the way of sickness.

However, clearing the sports field of this unsightly problem is not easy. That is until now.

In the video above Mike Hicks talks about the purchase and running of the community Tow and Collect 1220.

Cleaning up goose manure with the Tow and Collect.

Over many years the Tow and Collect has been used to collect goose droppings from around parks, fields and lakes. We have supplied many of the machines into councils and organisations responsible for parks etc for the very purpose of picking up and cleaning up Goose Poop.

In fact the Tow and Collect has been called the “Poop Zamboni” by a sports fields manager in Canada. You can see the video here how Mike Hicks had a major problem with Goose feaces on the metropolitan sports fields.

“It’s just a mess. You know, if you slide in for a big steal or something, you get up and you’re just head-to-toe poop,” he said.

“This (the Tow and Collect) is the solution as far as I can see, and it works perfect.”

“I tried it on the rainiest day possible — wet fields, wet poop, a fresh motherlode of it, and it swept it up beautifully,” he said.

Back in the US and James Bradford of Accurate Lawnscapes was tasked with the problem of removing Goose Faeces from the community athletic fields. The Tow and Collect was his solution you can see his little Facebook video here.

Cleaning up goose manure with the Tow and Collect.

As Mike Hicks from Canada said in his video he has been referred to as a hero, but he prefers to be called a “Poop Buster”. Becoming a Poop Buster is easy with the Tow and Collect.

Goose droppings, poop, excrement, faeces, manure etc need not be the problem it can be. With the Tow and Collect these unsightly and unpleasant droppings are easy to pick up leaving the athletic fields, sports fields, parks and lakes clean and tidy and most importantly safe for people to enjoy every single day.

In the video above the Tow and Collect has helped to create a clean and pleasant lake front for families to enjoy a day out in spite of the presence of the Canada Goose.


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